Hi! Could you please tell me more about the metal? What kind of? Combination of? Thanks a lot! Namaste
Claire, thank you for asking about the Set of 7 Healing Energy Singing Bowls. Each of these bowls are hand hammered from plates using a special blend of 7 metals. Though only 2 metals are critical to the sound and function of the bowl, practitioners have asked that the 7 metals are included.
These traditional 7 metals include: gold, silver, copper, iron, tin, mercury, and lead. Keep in mind that there are only very small trace amounts of these 7 metals included in the bowl and that a majority of the bowl is made up of a bronze alloy referred to as bell metal. This is a combination of copper and tin, the two metals that are critical to the sound and function of the bowl. This set is actually made by the same group of singing bowl artists seen in the video on our Singing Bowl Page! Check out that page to watch the video of them making a similar style of bowl. Hopefully this information is helpful. Feel free to reach out with any other questions. Thanks again for your inquiry and support!