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Mala Beads Care and Washing Instructions

Your Mala Beads

Washing and oiling (for wood/seed beads)...

It is best to keep them moisturized with an oil of choice, or by using a pea-sized amount of Mineral Oil occasionally.  Rub a small amount in your hand along with an essential oil (optional) and then rub into your mala beads thoroughly.  If you live in a dry climate this may need to be done every few months to maintain the beads but otherwise once a year may be sufficient.  Over time your natural beads will darken.  This is a normal process and is a great visual reminder of the growth in your practice!

If washing is required, we suggest using warm water with a small amount of liquid dish soap.  Pat dry and hang. 

Shopping for durability...

All of the beads we carry have been hand strung with care by craftspeople and artisans.  Some designs are more durable than others, when others are more decorative.  A larger bead, more often, has a larger hole, and will allow for a stronger cord.  Gemstone beads are overall more heavy than a wood or seed bead.  Please keep these ideas in mind when shopping for wearable vs daily use malas.  

Water and beads...

Do not always mix!  Over time the soaps, oils, lotions, and salt from your skin will cause natural wear the cord and some porous beads.  Even some synthetic cords can wear quickly when exposed to frequent moisture and residue from skin if worn constantly.  We do suggest removing any mala when around excess moisture, for it may require restringing if you do wear your malas against your skin constantly.

Restringing happens...

Every monk and nun must restring their mala from time to time and is considered an important part of their practice.  With that in mind, if you feel your mala broke prematurely, please do let us know and we would be happy to replace or repair whenever possible.  We also provide restringing services for all DharmaShop Malas and Wrist Malas! Please send us an email at if you would like to restring a mala, and we can detail that process further. Some of our customers prefer to restring malas themselves as a part of their practice. We are here with words of encouragement if you would like to give that a try!


Shop all of the Mala Beads at DharmaShop now! 

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