Aloha, Having spent some treasured years living in Nepal....in Kathmandu and Bodhanath....I am grateful for the work that you provide to Tibetans living in that extraordinary loka. My husband and I have enjoyed your incense and we would love to enjoy other fragrances of yours as well. We would like to know the various substances and fragrances that makes up the various incenses that you offer. I have not been able to find those listed on your website. For example, what substances are included in the Chenrezig incense that you offer? Thank you so much for your service and your continuing dedication to being a conduit and champion of the artisans and nuns in Nepal.
Ganga, thank you so much for your kind words. We do try to list as many ingredients used for certain styles of incense as we can when the information is provided. Unfortunately, not all products and packaging will make their way to us with that specific information included. However, we can give you an overall idea of how the incense were prepared and things that are included in them overall. The Chenrezig Compassion Incense sticks are professionally prepared by hand according to ancient Tibetan systems. It contains 100% pure and natural substances including precious herbs and natural substances from the Yolmo Mountain. It has a sweet and woody fragrance. Hopefully this information is helpful! We will definitely work on getting more specific ingredients as much as possible, and make sure that all of the information we are provided with our incense gets properly listed on their product pages. If you have any other questions, please feel free to email me directly at erica@dharmashop.com. Thanks so much again for your continued support!