Hello, I'm very interested in Singing Bowl. I'm studying Singing Bowl, and I'm looking for various web-sites to buy Singing Bowls. I'd like to ask you a few questions because I think I can purchase the Singing Bowls which I want here. 1. What are the differences between the three singing bowls below? - masterpice tibetan singing bowl - chackr cleaning tibetan singing bowl masterpiece - old travati sining bowl 2. Can you purchase a singing bolw according to notes by chakra individually? if you can, let you know the specific note and size 3. Finally, I would like to purchase singing balls of 7 Chakra. So is it possible to buy 7 Singing Bowls in a size that can be all in one from 13 inches to 9 inches with F, C, G, D, A, B, and E depending on each note? thanks
Hello Changsun, thanks so much for reaching out to us! Due to the handmade, hand hammered nature of our singing bowl collection the musical note will vary depending on how it is played, what striker/mallet is used etc. We find this to be a great reminder that your singing bowl is as unique and one of a kind as the artisan who created it!
To directly compare the 3 bowls mentioned, the Masterpiece and Chakra Clearing are quite similar but the sizes differ (Masterpiece is larger) and the Tarvati is apart of our Antique collection, for it is an older bowl compared to the other two listed. Because the sizes and shapes of the Tarvati vary, we are able to offer note requests for that style, but for the Masterpiece and Chakra Clearing we kindly ask that you let us choose, because again it really can vary on how/what it is played with.
If you are interested in a set of 7, we are happy to help! We have sets of 7 singing bowls listed on our site, or if you'd prefer to customize your collection and grab each note individually we can help with that as well. I hope this information is helpful! If you have any additional questions please email us at info@dharmashop.com Namaste!