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Ihr Warenkorb ist leer

Dezember 06, 2022 1 min read

Hi there, 

It's Sander, the founder of Dharmashop.  Ever since adding product ratings we have used them as customer quality scores.  If we get a 1 or 2 star rating we don't hide the rating... we remove the product and either upgrade, fix or discontinue it.  It's so important to the whole dharmashop staff that our products are constantly improving and we have the finest products on the market.   

Many of our customers assume we go to Nepal and buy products off the street.   We are the manufacturer, and we support our artists with fair pay, extraordinary working conditions and a steady supply of work.   We listen to you, we make changes based on your opinions.   We could not be more proud to offer the finest quality products from Nepal possible.  

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