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Three Marks of Existence Bracelet



  • Knotted string bracelets are worn or given as a symbol of good luck and protection, and represent the connection to one's self and Buddhism.
  • This bracelet is a powerful tool for contemplating the interconnection of the three marks of existence in Buddhism - impermanence (annica), suffering (dukkha), and non-self (anatta).  The realization of these concepts lead to ultimate freedom and happiness.
  • Hand strung in Kathmandu with a carved skull and two Evil Eye accents all made from bone.  The black cord symbolizes the potential for transformation and ability to overcome negative emotions.

As humans we experience suffering because we are attached to things that are impermanent, including our own self.  Once we understand that the universe is constantly changing and nothing lasts forever, we can let go of our attachments, live in the present moment, and accept ourselves and others fully and without judgement.

A note about bone usage:  In the Himalayas, it is typical for large animals such as yak or water buffalo to be used for service, food, clothing, and ritual items.  Given the limited amount of resources and the religious practices of the people in the region, it is important that none of the animal goes to waste.  Bone beads are handcrafted by artisans who recycle and reuse everything in daily life and spiritual practice.


Measures 6.75-9.5"

Matching Mala:

Three Marks of Existence Mala

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