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Tridosha Ayurvedic Natural Soap


Our new handmade soap line is here!  This March we visited the incredible team at Wild Earth in Nepal.  Their mission is to create an all natural product and empower women in the process.  Their work flow is beautiful.  Working from an open and airy home outside of Kathmandu, a team of women create each batch of soap by hand using traditional Tibetan and Nepalese ingredients.

Even if one dosha is predominant, sometimes the other elements will need balancing.  Our Tridoshic Soap work with all three doshas to bring balance to the body, mind, and spirit.  For those that have determined their predominant dosha(s), there will still be certain times of the day or year when your other elements are out of balance.  This organic Tridoshic soap work with all three doshas to bring balance to the body, mind and spirit.